Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Second New Year. I'm Back. Anybody Miss Me?

Boy, it's been a while since I last blogged. According to the date on the post below it was early December last year, eugh.

Not good, not good at all. Why the long hiatus? Well, I blame the winter blahs. Being a girl from the sunny tropics, I need solar energy to charge my batteries. I blame the lack of sun and the cold weather for the listlessness. That sounds plausible, right?

Well, the sun is shining bright now and now there's no excuse. I'm re-committing myself to my many resolutions, projects and goals. I'm treating the arrival of summer as something like a 2nd New Year.

I've decided to use this blog to document on how I'm coming along with these goals. Some are small like 'Eat more spinach', others are more daunting like 'Run the 2008 New York Marathon'.

There's so many things that I want to do within this 2008-2009 year. One interesting site I found was 43 things. You basically list our goals and share with others. It's interesting to see so many common goals and how each person is trying to achieve them.

I started an account in 2005, I think it's time to update my goals to commemorate my 2nd New Year of 2008.

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